Blacc Diamond PE&P (Productions, Events & Promotions) and ET Records are certified to promote with anyone who feels like they wanna be heard & to Collaborate with our movement ,1Team 1Dream Different Mindz
"ET plug up dem speakers so da world can feel US!"
Blacc Diamond PE&P
Shellie J Pitts-CEO/President
Business Paterner: Brandon "Vershod" Bagby
Our sites:
Blacc Diamond PE&P:
Twitter account-@BlaccDiamondPEP
ET Records:
Jermaal Hull-Curry Hull CEO/Producer
Our Sites:
Twitter Account-@ET6Records
Click on Facebook and Twitter icons below
Blacc Diamond PE&P was established in December 16 by Shellie Jay Pitts
with general partnership with Brandon Bagby. This business is located in Denison, Texas.
ET Recods, a Minor Record label was established the summer of 2008 in Denison,Tx. The label was co-founded by Jermaal Hull, Brandon Bagby ,and Chase Richards. The label is inspired by the late Detrick "ET" Beasley (2-19-03) to (3-04-03). ET Records started out with only 4 artists but has now blossumed with over 15 employees.